Monday, July 21, 2008

Where Eagles Dare

Well, I finally arrived. After a grueling red-eye fight from LA, I landed at JFK early on one fine Monday morning. I was able to stay at my buddy Quinn's flat on the upper west side for a couple of days, but I needed to find something else fast. Well, luck was with me and I was able to sublet an amazing studio in Brooklyn Heights for the month of July. Here is a picture of my building.

The white door below sidewalk level is my entrance, then its up 5 flights of stairs to the top floor. Sometimes I have to really want to go out, because those 5 flights are just waiting for me on my return. In any case, this will definitely aid me in the Goerlitz\Howell weigh off. For those of you who know me, this needs no explanation, but for those who don't it's my own form of self-abuse.

Brooklyn Heights is a pretty great place. Great shops, great location, and great people add up to a bustin good time. Very close to my place is the promenade. The promenade is a three quarter mile walkway that borders part of Brooklyn. What this means is that there is a pretty sick view of Manhattan from this location. Here are just a few shots from the promenade in case I have any non-believers out there.

Wow! Great place to while away these hot summer days. Unfortunately, this was not meant to last. I still need to find a place before the month is up or I'll be homeless. AAahh... Homeless... How great... All you need worry about is hunger, the weather, death, and the occasional beating. No job hunting, keeping up with friends, or updating wardrobes. Speaking of occasional beatings, I ran across this shop on one of my wanderings.

Holy crap! Somebody read my mind, or looked into my deepest dreams. Cupcakes, large Hostess style cupcakes (only better). A sheet of large Hostess style cupcakes. And they brought all their friends as well. All that's missing is a queen sized buttered crepe bed in the back and all my dreams have been answered...

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