Monday, July 21, 2008

Independence Day

It's that time of year again, 4th of July! And this year I'll be celebrating it in the big apple.

It all started out when I went over to my friend Layne's house. From there, me and Layne (and his awesome wife Tiffany) went over to a friend of theirs bar-b-que. Now this isn't like west coast bar-b-que. You nkow, big house, big back yard, kids running around, tons of people and space. This is brooklyn bar-b-que. Meaning lots of hungry people, little or no space, and (if you're lucky) a sliver of a backyard.

That was this party. Small apartment, small backyard (7 x 17) and lots o people. The only thing more prevalent than guests was mosquitoes. I really can't complain, except for the fact that since I didn't know anyone except Layne and Tiff, and the next lowest age was 28, the only interactions I had at the party was with the mosquitoes. And I'm not talking about the cool band that was shipwrecked on gilligans island (, i'm talking about the flying bloodsuckers that make all gatherings horrible.

It wasn't really all that bad there were some good highlights:

1. Good greasy burgers.

2. The 50+ latin party going on in the yard sliver next to ours. Got caught up on all the latest latin dance music and quite possibly profanity.

3. Some yokels a block away set off some firecrackers (the ones that go off really fast, so it sounds like super fast staccato bangs), only these guys must have dumped them in a oil drum or something, because it was nonstop banging for at least 5 minutes (I am not kidding here).

Eventually I ended up in the kitchen, which was fairly empty. I ended up having a chat with Tiff (layne's wife) and her friend Shoshanna (girlfriend o Michael, see below). We talked for awhile, and then Layne and Shoshanna really wanted to see the fireworks. I mentioned that I lived in Brooklyn Heights, which is a prime location for viewing the show, and off we all went.

Upon getting to my place, Michael suggested that we go on the roof. Quite a novel idea for a west coaster, but I was game. We went up to my apartment, and lo and behold, there was a ladder leading up in the hallway outside my room.

What followed was an amazing fireworks display, seen from the roof of my apartment. Here are some photos from that night.

(clockwise from top: Layne, Tiffany, Michael, Shoshanna)

This was followed by bad mexican food and lots o walking....

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