Monday, July 21, 2008

Enter the Dragon

Sometimes one is witness to an unbelievable and transcendental event, and I witnessed such an event last Saturday. Last Saturday I went to something called “Celebrate Brooklyn”. Basically it’s a summer long series of events held at Prospect Park (great park in Brooklyn). On this particular Saturday they were doing an outdoor viewing of Enter the Dragon. For those who do not know this movie, I have nothing but sympathy for you.

I have seen outdoor viewings of movies before, and I probably have seen an outdoor viewing of Enter the Dragon before, but not like this. On this particular showing, Celebrate Brooklyn arranged to have Karsh Kale ( producer/composer/re-mixer extraordinaire) to redo the soundtrack for this movie live. That’s right, LIVE! But I’m jumping ahead of myself.

First, the audience was entertained with a performance by Soh Daiko ( ), a Japanese drumming group. The following are videos I took on this evening. Don’t worry about the video (it sucked), but concentrate on the audio part of the movie.

This was just a sample of Soh Daiko, the entire show was pretty amazing. And it also tuned up the audience for what was to come.

As soon as it got dark enough, Enter the Dragon started. Now I know Hollywood, when it wants to upgrade a classic, either colorizes it (if it was in black or white), or re-makes it entirely. They have totally overlooked remixing the score of the picture. Kale’s interpretation and re-adaptation of the score to Enter the Dragon was nothing short of phenomenal. During the entire course of the movie I was struck dumb at how amazing the score was. It completely remade the movie. Instead of the crappy 70’s rehash score I was treated to an asian/fusion/techno score that left me breathless.

Here are some videos from that night. Once again, it’s the audio you should pay attention to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was truly excellent. good post!